
Working Together

We believe working together with the family and client is extremely important. Communication is vital in maintaining a strong relationship. It is especially important in live-in cases that you welcome caregivers to your home and also help them get acclimated to the new environment.

Please inform us immediately if you are unhappy with a caregiver placed and we will replace the caregiver.

Should your caregiver become ill or need time off, we ensure coverage.


Caregivers, by law, cannot open medication bottles or administer medications. Caregivers can only assist with self administered medications. To help manage this, we suggest purchasing weekly Sunday through Saturday medication pill boxes and have a family member dose the medications. Alternatively, you could ask your pharmacist for assistance with this.


Meals are to be provided to caregivers for live-in cases only.


It is important to stock the home with necessary household supplies and groceries so your caregiver has the tools needed to complete their job. If a family member is not available for groceries, there are many stores that offer home delivery for a nominal fee.

Personal products that the client needs should be readily available. All caregivers are required to use latex gloves for any client personal hygiene. These should be provided by the client and readily available for the caregiver.

Any in-home equipment, wheelchairs, walkers, etc., should be safe and in good working order.

Personal Bill Paying

This service can be provided for an additional fee depending on the magnitude and frequency.

P.O. Box 7681  Greenwich, CT 06836-7681  203.554.2336  ONEILLINHOMECARE@MSN.COM